I was a little scared but at the same time I felt as if my heart was beating faster than usual. I felt like I was shivering and I could not stop. The wind was cold and fresh in my face. My stomach felt as if I was going down a rollercoaster. My mind thought so much things that I walked slower than usual.
I finally got to the door. It was blue in the corners and in the middle it was kind off like a mirror because you could see yourself. My face looked pale and scared when I saw it in the door. The door felt warm in my hands as I pulled it open. As I walked slowly inside I felt the warm air in my face. It was the delicious and mouth-watering smell of fresh popcorn. The delicious smell traveled through my nose and made me hungry for a moment.
The walls were smooth and were the same color blue as the door and at the bottom they were orange. There were a lot of different colored backpacks on the floor in the right side. I kept walking slower and slower. As I walked I heard things like “OMG I love your hair!” or, “I haven’t seen you in a long time,” and “How was your summer?” Probably that is what I would be telling my friends if I wasn’t here. Everyone’s faces were bright as the sun and their smiles as big as the earth. They looked as happy as a person who won the lottery and as excited as students waiting for summer. Their eyes brighten more than a diamond but my eyes didn’t even shine. I didn’t want to be here. I did not know anyone here and I was going to go to 8th grade. Almost everyone had been in that school since 6th grade. My heart was beating faster and faster with every step I made. At that moment, I wished I had not moved school but it was too late I had already moved to High Tech Middle.
Suddenly, I started thinking everything out and I realized how much I loved my school and my friends and how much I was going to miss them. As I thought more about my old school and friends I felt more and more pain in my heart. My mind was full with thousands of thoughts about everything. My face was still pale and looked as if I had seen a ghost. My hands hung beside my body like nothing. My eyes were open big and brown as a shiny coffee grain. My stomach felt as when you see someone you love or like. I stood there like a statue looking around. I was still shivering and my skin felt cold as ice. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy.
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