Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Space and Aviation

1. In this article about Space and Aviation it talked about that in 2005 a satellite was designed to take measurements of the sea, ice, and glaciers but the satellite failed to work, making the original CryoSat satellite crash into the Arctic Ocean.

2. The satellite will offer unprecedented tracking of cloud-covered regions like Greenland. Pinpointing their thickness will help climate scientists make better computer models to predict polar temperatures, ocean circulation and, perhaps most important for those of us on the rest of the planet, rising sea levels.

3. In late February, the European Space Agency will get a second chance to launch a satellite designed to take the most sensitive measurements yet of sea ice and glaciers.

4. One of the main setbacks would be if something happened to the satellite again because they would lose a lot of money.


1. In 2010, you'll be able to watch TV on any screen, anywhere. Previously, the only way to access TV on a mobile screen was by paying a subscription service to send video over an unreliable 3G wireless broadband network, and the service didn't deliver local channels. Today, television broadcasters for 30 stations in 17 major cities have spent up to $150,000 per tower to install transmitters that send free, live broadcasts to specially equipped mobile devices. TV on the Go falls under the field of research of entertainment.

2. This is important because it will help people that want to watch TV on their cellphones save money. With TV on the GO it costs broadcasters less than a penny a minute to provide the service, compared with the $4 per minute price that cellular carriers pay.

3. This year consumer products capable of receiving the signal will arrive in stores. This month, USB dongles that act like TV antennas for laptops will go on sale nationwide. TV-ready cellphones, as well as add-on dongles for current phones, will be available by the second half of the year.

4. Something that could happen to the creators of TV on the GO is that maybe not that much people will want to buy that even if it's better than paying $4 per minute because they might not think it is necessary to watch TV on your cellphone.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Semester Academic Goals for Hummanities

A goal I want to set for myself this semester is sharing more my WEX writing and not just one time because I have to. Last semester I was a little more shy so I didn't really like talking in front of everyone or sharing what I wrote in my WEX. I hope I can achieve this goal so I can become a better writer.

Another goal would be to use the habit of mind of wonder in my writing so I don't just write something boring but ask myself "what if I add showing not telling here?" or "what if I add another simile?" This will help me be a better writer and practice the literacy devices we have learned.

The last goal would be participating more in class like volunteering to read the WOD or raising my hand whenever I don't understand something or ask the people around me for help instead of just staying confused. This will help me not be as shy as I am and understand everything better.

Time Travelers Pillar

Project Description: For this part of the project we had to paint in one of the pillars in the 9th grade commons. There are four pillars and one was about art and architecture, the other one about religion and society, another about science and technology, and another about government. Everyone in our team had to paint in the pillar of what they wrote about in their research paper. For example, I had to write about Roman government in my research paper so I had to paint a picture representing the Roman government in the government pillar.

Process: First, I had to look at different pictures about Rome and about things that related to Roman government. Then, I drew out what my picture would look like. Then, I had to get it approve by Charlotte in order to start painting. Then, I started drawing in pencil what everything was going to look like in the square or rectangle we were assigned within our pillar. Then, I painted everything. At last, I wrote my name in the bottom.

Reflection: By painting this pillar I learned how to paint better and be able to show something with pictures or a drawing. For example, I showed Roman government by putting a crown, the word "Republic", an a mad emperor, which all meant that Rome went from a monarchy to a republic and at last was ruled by emperors. One challenge I encountered was trying to find how to represent Roman government because I couldn't think of anyway of representing the Roman government by a painting. If I could paint my pillar again I would spend more time on it because I kind off rushed through it at the end. This will help me later when I have to get stuff done on time and do it well and when I have to manage my time so I don't have to rush through stuff.


Semester Academic Goals Mysics

Goal: Participate more in class.

First Step: Raise my hand if I don't understand something.

Goal: Explore different applications for math.

First Step: Start doing the challenge assignments.

Goal: Study for every test.

First Step: Study at least 30 minutes a day before a test.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Time Travelers Essay

Project Description: In the Time Travelers Project for humanities class each one of us had to write a research paper but not about the same thing. In our groups we had to write about our civilization but one had to write about art and architecture in our civilization, another one about science and technology, one about government and one about religion and society. My group and I had the Roman civilization. I had to write about Roman government in my research paper. Our research paper had to be at least 3 pages but no more than 5 pages. We had to use footnotes in MLA style to cite our evidence. We also had to include a bibliography in MLA style.

Process: First we had to write our first draft, which could be handwritten and didn't have to include a bibliography or footnotes. Then, we had to write our second draft that had to be typed. Then, we had to write the third draft, which had to include a bibliography. Charlotte checked our third draft and we learned about conclusion and introductory paragraphs and made any changes in our paper. At last, we had to write our final draft with footnotes and a bibliography in MLA style.

Reflection: I learned a lot of things about Roman government and about Rome in general. I also learned about other civilizations in the exhibition. One of the challenges I encountered was putting footnotes in MLA style in my research paper because I didn't understand it until I asked Johanna if she could help me. If I could do this research paper again I don't think I would do anything different because I did a really good job on it and I improved a lot from my first draft to my final draft. This will help me later if I have to write something and write footnotes and a bibliography in MLA style.

Artifact: My Research Paper