1. I think a hero becomes a hero when they do something for someone that not everyone could or would do. For example, almost everyone could probably save someone from drowning but not everyone would take their time or be brave enough to do it. A hero can also become a hero by doing something really important or significant for someone although not everyone sees that person as a hero. A hero cares about others and not just for themselves.
2. Project Description: In the Hero in My Eyes project we had to choose a hero but it couldn't be any hero, it had to be someone we could be able to interview and take pictures of. After we picked a hero we had to write a character sketch describing how they are heroic to us or just writing about a heroic moment of our hero. We had to have with the character sketch two black and white pictures of our hero.
2. Project Description: In the Hero in My Eyes project we had to choose a hero but it couldn't be any hero, it had to be someone we could be able to interview and take pictures of. After we picked a hero we had to write a character sketch describing how they are heroic to us or just writing about a heroic moment of our hero. We had to have with the character sketch two black and white pictures of our hero.
3. Process: First, I had to choose a hero and write possible questions I could ask my hero in the interview. Then, I had to interview my hero, which was my sister Ana. Then, I had to write a manuscript of the interview. After that, I had to write the first draft of the character sketch. Then, in class we looked at other people's draft and made corrections. Then, I included in my character sketch the corrections I received and wrote the second draft. I had to then turn in the second draft so Ms. Charlotte could make corrections on my paper. After she gave me back my paper I had to include the corrections and write the final draft. After I was finish with my character sketch I had to make a template which had to include my character sketch, two pictures of my hero, and a hero blurb, where we had to tell why that person is a hero to us in less than 50 words.
4. Reflection: In this project I learned how to make a manuscript and how to conduct an interview in a better way. I learned how to make a character sketch and write a blurb. I think the only challenge a encountered in this project was trying to make my character sketch shorter but keeping the necessary parts. I solved that challenge by taking a few little parts that I thought weren't really important. I think this project went really good and if I had to do it again I wouldn't change anything. I think this will help me later if I have to write a manuscript or write a blurb.
5. Habits of Mind: I think I used the ownership habit of mind in this project because in my final draft I kept asking myself "Is this my best work?" because I wanted it to be really good so I kept adding showing not telling and literacy devices and description to make it better.
7. Picture: 

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