Sunday, April 25, 2010

Talking these ideas out

I decided to talk to my brother about Food Inc. and organic foods because he also watched a part of that movie so he knew what I was talking about. We started off by talking about organic food. I asked my brother if he knew what organic food was and he said "Yes, organic food is good that has no pesticides or things like that in them. It's food that in grown naturally." He said that he thinks that some people are not aware about what’s in their food or about the effects of eating non-organic food might be in the future. He said that some people don’t know about all the pesticides and stuff in them. He also said that organic food is really important so we can all be healthy and we should all eat organic food. He also said that some people don’t eat organic food because of the prices. Some organic food is more expensive than non-organic food, and that is why sometimes some people don’t eat organic food. I told him about in the movie where that family was buying food from Burger King because it was less expensive than having to buy vegetables and things like that. I told him that it struck me how they treated the animals like they were all crowded together and could barely even move or also how they treated the cows like they would push them with those cars. Also how they would feed the cows with corn because that made them more fat but cows are healthier when they eat grass. He said that it struck him how many things they put in chickens so then they would be fat but then they could barely walk because of how fat they were. At the end, my brother said that we should tell people we know about organic foods and about what is going on so then everyone can be aware and we could all make a difference. I didn’t talk to my dad for this blog post but he is always telling us to eat healthy and to eat fruits and vegetables. He always aware of what we eat and does what he can so we can eat healthy food. I think the Food Inc. movie was really interesting and I learned a lot from it.


  1. Hey Cristina!:)
    I liked how you talked to your brother about Food Inc. but you also mentioned what your dad says about eating healthy. It was good how you put what you thought of the video at the end too.

  2. You did a great job writing all the parts of the conversation.
